The Indiana Family Health Council (IFHC) is accepting applications to be included in its 2022 Title X Family Planning Grant Application to the Office of Population Affairs.
Title X of the Public Health Services Act (PHS Act or the Act) was enacted in 1970 by Public Law 91-572 as a means of “Making comprehensive voluntary family planning services readily available to all persons desiring such services.”i The Title X funding is to “assist in the establishment and operation of voluntary family planning projects which shall over a broad range of acceptable and effective family planning methods and services (including natural family planning methods, infertility services and services for adolescents” (Section 1001 of the Act 42 USC 300(a)). Section 1006 of the Act (42 USC 300a-4) ensures priority of services is given to clients from low-income families. Finally, Section 1008 of the Act (42 USC 300a-6) directs that “None of the funds appropriated under this title shall be used in program where abortion is a method of family planning.” The Indiana Family Health Council Board of Directors remains committed to Title X services not being co-located where abortion services occur.
Please find the application and more details here.